For the next page, Site Technical Notes, [[wikitech|click here.]] To jump to the start and the index, [[start|click here.]] **Site Notices:** This page provides site notices such as privacy policy and contact information. **Contact Information** Email: To be added **Privacy Policy** This site collects standard httpd data, email or other communications from visitors, and header information and/or metadata in email or communications. It does not presently use "cookies". Note that sites that are linked to may use cookies. They'll have their own privacy policies as well. Data is used as is deemed appropriate. There is no set minimum or maximum period for retention. There is no provision for deletion of data on request or for research into what data has been collected. See CCPA and COPPA notices. Email or other communications from visitors may be posted, quoted, distributed, analyzed, or otherwise made use of as is deemed appropriate. **CCPA and COPPA** CCPA and COPPA are believed not to apply to this site. **Statements of Fact** Descriptions of events are made based on best recollection and/or understanding. Parties who have, or claim to have, knowledge related to events discussed on this website are invited to offer comments, corrections, and/or clarifications. **Technical notes** Presently, this site consists of a top-level page plus a set of DokuWiki pages. The top-level page is written in hand-coded HTML. The theme is based on Haggis Hell by OldCoder. The DokuWiki theme has been modified to deemphasize the wiki aspect. More work is needed on the colors. **License** These pages are (c) 2022 How Now Moo Cow. They may be distributed under [[|CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International]]. In other words, copies may be freely shared for non-commercial purposes and derivative works are permitted (this explanation doesn't limit or extend the hyperlinked license). For the purposes of attribution as required under the license, the rights-holder is How Now Moo Cow. For the next page, Site Technical Notes, [[wikitech|click here.]] To jump to the start and the index, [[start|click here.]]